Yoel Taomas is a photographer, explorer, activist and urbanist currently located in Saigon, Vietnam. His photos have been featured in commercial advertisements, books and editorial publications. He exhibits a strong commitment to environmental conservation, economic degrowth, slow-travel, digital commons and open source software, and attempts to apply these values in the creation of visual art.
Collaborative Projects
2008 – 2012 Discotek Nights, Birmingham, AL (Nightlife photography in collaboration with Angelica Barrameda)
2010 Sojourn Literary Arts Magazine Spring Top Art Submission
Group Exhibitions
2009 Charming Decay: Photographs of Postindustrial Life, Hibbleton Gallery, Fullerton, CA
Selected Print Media
Alliance Magazine. 2015; Mar-Apr: Cover.
Oswald MJ. Your Guide to the National Parks. Whitelaw, WI: Stone Road; 2012:95.
Pate CM. The Writings of John. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan; 2011:142.
Sojourn: Literary Arts Magazine. 2011;17(2):15.
Sojourn: Literary Arts Magazine. 2010;17(1):47.
Farris K. “Streetside Cinema”. Alabama Magazine. 2010;1(1):14.
Sojourn: Literary Arts Magazine. 2010;16(2):29.
Latour J, Charming Decay. Fullerton, CA: Hibbleton Gallery; 2009.
Photo by Wisehart AJ